Drug & Alcohol
Addiction Rehabilitation


"We aspire to facilitate positive, healthy recovery, along with all service users maintaining their individuality throughout their stay and beyond."

As a committed and caring organisation, we endeavour to be an integral part of every individual’s journey away from drug or alcohol dependency towards personal freedom, responsible behaviours, and individuality. At Shardale we believe that freedom from drug or alcohol dependency is achievable by all, regardless of age, gender, race, culture, religious belief or personal history.

It is our core belief that every person has the innate resources to be able to change their psychological and emotional dependency on mood altering substances. Facilitating individuals to change, develop and grow, requires a therapeutic environment where participants feel fully supported and able to trust in their recovery journey.

Shardale projects are designed to provide the supportive environments necessary to achieve change, and the number of programme participants who successfully complete treatment with us demonstrates the efficacy of the ‘therapeutic community model’.

Call Us: 01253 728 898

Care Quality Commission

Shardale Ltd is regulated by the Care Quality Commission and has an overall rating of GOOD.

900+ Successful Completions

Shardale has achieved over 900 successful completions since opening in April 2010.

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Find out more about Shardale Therapeutic Community base in St Annes on the Fylde coast.

Residential Treatment For Drug & Alcohol Addiction

  • 900+ Successful Completions
  • Therapeutic Community Model
  • 36 Bedroom Residential Site
  • Alcohol & Drug Rehabilitation
  • Personalised Treatment
  • Tailored Recovery Program
  • Facilitating individuals to Change
Shardale Therapeutic Community in St Anne's Fylde Coast North west Uk

Supporting Best Recovery Outcomes

Programme participants at Shardale projects are encouraged to be active in their own treatment program, to identify and work through consequential and often traumatic life events, and, with the support of the Shardale community, to develop the life skills and behaviours that will enable them to lead a life without recourse to mood altering substances. Click this link for more information on our alcohol treatment facilities.

Whilst Shardale staff members support and guide the whole community to address their physical, psychological and emotional needs, in a ‘non Hierarchical democratic therapeutic community’ the majority of decisions are made by the community as a whole. Shardale’s unique adaptation of the ‘therapeutic community model’ is designed to encourage both personal responsibility and decision making, thus enabling all individuals to discover a more independent and resourceful life. Contact us for more information.

Shardale Rehab Location

Shardale Therapeutic Community is located in St Annes on the Fylde Coast south of Blackpool. Potential participants are typically referred for assessment by their Local Authority, usually in conjunction with their community based treatment service provider as detoxification is required. Some of our programme participants are privately funded and they will refer themselves directly to the Shardale Admissions Team.

Call Us: 01253 728 898